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Heimark Speech Therapy, LLC offers a variety of services to fit your family’s individual needs. Services offered include consultation, screening, evaluation, and therapy.
Free Consultations:
Free consultations either in person or over the phone are offered to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding your child’s communication skills. All relevant information is gathered, including any previous assessments. Consultations serve to determine future steps that may be taken to help your child’s communication skills develop.
Free Screenings:
Free screenings are offered both in house and within your child’s natural environment (i.e., school, daycare). Screenings consist of a 10-20 minute informal assessment of your child’s receptive and expressive communication skills. Children that appear to have some difficulty in one or more areas of communication will be recommended for a full speech and language evaluation.
Comprehensive speech and language evaluations consist of a combination of standardized testing, parent and/or caregiver interview, language sampling, and evaluation-based observation. A parent/caregiver questionnaire is completed prior to the evaluation and aides in the selection of appropriate testing material. Evaluations include a full evaluation report with recommendations within two weeks of its completion.
Heimark Speech Therapy, LLC provides services on a one to one basis for children and young adults (birth to age 21). Services are provided in 30 or 60-minute sessions and are accompanied by a home practice plan to aide in the carry-over and generalization of learned skills.
Therapy focuses on but is not limited to:
Call (215) 536-2180 Christine@HeimarkSpeech.com